Event Overview
Regular Bengies admission applies to all attending this event.
Trunk or Treaters will spend the evening going from trunk to trunk, collecting candy from vehicle owners who have decorated their vehicles. “Trunkers” will be asked to decorate their trunk, tailgate, or hatchback and provide candy for the “treaters.”
You do not have to be a “Trunker” or a “Treater” to attend this night. The theatre is open to all, as usual.
At 6:00 PM, The Whitemarsh Ballet Academy will perform The Monster Mash & Thriller. You will also be able to learn these dances and join in on the fun!
At Sunset, we will have a camera set up to send a live feed of the “Treaters” Costume Parade across the GIANT Outdoor Screen!
A Halloween craft station will be set up for the kids!
Visit with The Chesapeake Ghostbusters
Approximately 7:00 PM – On with the show! “PARANORMAN” (2012) PG & “BEETLEJUICE” (1988) PG
3:00 PM – Box Office Opens
3:45 PM – Trunk or Treat fun begins
6:00 PM – Thriller & Monster Mash Performance by The White Marsh Ballet Academy
6:35 PM – Costume Parade
7:00 PM – “PARANORMAN” (2012) PG
9:00 PM – “BEETLEJUICE” (1988) PG
9:15 PM – Box Office Closes
“Treater” Guidelines:
The Box Office opens at 3:00 PM to all, but Trunk or Treating will not start until 3:45 PM to give the “Trunkers” time to set up.
– Regular Bengies admission applies to all attending this event.
– An adult must accompany children.
– Please keep your costumes “G” Rated (avoid overly scary/gory costumes). Children of all ages are expected to attend this event.
– All Bengies Drive-In Theatre Rules & Policies apply for this event.
-Registration is not required for treaters.
-There will not be a costume contest. However, The Bengies will keep an eye out for any “Treaters” with an exceptional costume deserving a prize!
We have a limited number of Trunk or Treat Tote Bags that we will give away to “Treaters” on a first-come, first-served basis. If you want to ensure you get a tote bag, you can purchase it ahead of time with your online tickets.
“Trunker” Guidelines & Registration:
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place
1st: $100 Bengies gift card & Bengies Shirts
2nd: $50 Bengies gift card
3rd: $25 Bengies gift card
If you do not want to participate in the trunk decorating contest, you may decorate a trunk without registering. The more the merrier.
All registrations are due by 11:59 PM on October 18 to qualify for judging.
– Registration is free for this event. However, you will be charged the regular admission price when purchasing your tickets online or at the box office on the day of the event.
– Each vehicle that is registered and shows up on the day of the event will receive an ALL IN THE CAR pass to the Bengies to be used at a later date. (1 pass per vehicle)
– Vehicles may arrive between 2:30 PM – 3:00 PM. Please arrive early to beat the box office lines. We would love all of the trunks ready for the “Treaters” who may begin walking around at 3:45 PM.
– Judging begins at 3:45 PM. If your trunk is not set-up by that time you will miss you opportunity to be judged for the Best Trunk Contest.
– Vehicle owners do NOT need to come in costume (although it is strongly encouraged). ALL vehicles must be decorated.
– All participants must provide candy for distribution.
– All candies/snacks must be individually wrapped and sealed.
– Please be courteous to your trunk neighbors and keep your decorations confined to your parking space.
– No amplified music other than Halloween-themed music (no profanity or vulgar language).
– Vehicles will not be permitted to move or leave the parking lot until the conclusion of Trunk or Treating.
– All vehicles will be assigned an entry number at check-In.
– Entry numbers must be placed on the right uppermost visible location of the trunk. The Best Trunk winner will receive a Bengies Drive-In Theatre Gift Card!
– Electricity is not available.
– Participants should be aware that children of all ages are expected to attend this event. Please keep trunk displays and costumes “G” Rated (avoid overly scary/gory Trunk displays & costumes).
– All Bengies Drive-In Theatre Rules & Policies apply for this event.
How much candy should you bring? Our best guess at this point, if we have good weather, will be 750 plus children.

2024 Trunk Decorating Contest Registration Form
Trunker registration has closed. You may still attend and decorate a trunk. But, you will not be entered for judging to win the best truck prize, nor receive a free admission pass.