I keep faxing and e-mailing you, and I am not getting a response. I sent a letter that was never answered. What’s up with that?

I keep faxing and e-mailing you, and I am not getting a response. I sent a letter that was never answered. What’s up with that?

Please understand that a lot goes into operating this landmark. If time allows, we try to get to everything but consider the time spent in just operating the theatre, and preparing it to operate. We are endeavoring to set more responsive methods in place, but please realize, we cannot always get back to everyone in a timely way. This is not a giant corporation here. We are always stretched and pressed for time.

If you use the US Mail, make sure there is a valid return address on it. Mail sent to us with no return address, with a false return address, or one that does not validate before the envelope is opened is thrown away. If the return address is valid and when opened, it did not come from that address, well, you can guess what happens to that.

In the years I have operated this landmark, I have had MANY wonderful letters sent that I did not have the time to answer! I apologize for this. As folks attend and get to know the Bengies, they come to understand just how much work is involved, and often I am immediately forgiven. Likewise, there have been a few “scathing” letters sent by folks who tried to skirt the rules, or defraud the theatre and were thrown out. Let me say that since I cannot answer all of the wonderful letters that are sent to me, I certainly am not going to take my time to explain that we fully intend to enforce the rules we have put in place.