In addition to and conjunction with our regular operating nights, these are some events occurring at the Bengies. Additional events will be added as they are planned. If you are interested in renting the Bengies for an event, please email us.

Thursday, May 1, 2025 (Tentative Date):
Barcs Night at Bengies
A night supporting BARCS with fun pre-show activities.

Saturday & Sunday, May 24 & 25, 2025:
69th Annual Memorial Day Weekend Dusk to Dawn Shows
A motion picture movie marathon. Movies from the last light of the day until the first light of the new day in the drive-in theatre tradition.

Saturday & Sunday, August 30 & 31, 2025:
70th Annual Labor Day Weekend Dusk to Dawn Shows
A motion picture movie marathon. Movies from the last light of the day until the first light of the new day in the drive-in theatre tradition.
Saturday, Sept. 6, 2025:
14th Annual Scout Camp-In
The theatre is open to everyone both nights. The boy scouts and girls scouts camp-in the theatre. The front half of the theatre, rows 1 – 8, are reserved for the scouts. General admission parking begins in row 9. If your scout is interested in attending this event, please contact your local scout organization for details.
Boy Scout Registration Info
October 18 OR 25, 2025 (Tentative date)
7th Annual Trunk Or Treat
We will open early to allow time for trunk or treating. A live feed will play of those in costumes who want to Parade across the screen. Then the shows begin. Regular Bengies admission applies. More info.
10th Annual Holiday Shows
DouBBle Feature: TDB
Get in the holiday spirit with a retro double feature.